Here is a great space for the Harvest Team to step in. What is Theory U? Why Theory U? We can then link to the resource page.
Morning Check in: What is breaking your heart that brings you here?
Here is a great place for the Harvest Team to step in and write an overview of this activity.
What is the edge of your heartbreak?
Walk the walk as we start to talk we are stalking change in a way that rearranges who has a say in the small moments that play against our need to include to collude with the mood that makes me participate.
I need to ground and hear the sound of complex music that sings through the solutions we’ve found and how to get around the personal pressure that holds me back gives me a stable place at the table to face the more beautiful world our heart’s know is possible.
I hold the heart in my hand and fragmentation and isolation keeps us from being human from seeing the reflection of the true in the diversity that surrounds us the whole soul coming through a brave expression of a world I crave one of comfort in the midst of discomfort empathy and sympathy and the things that have to be the cultures that reject genocide and separateness the grace that contains space the courage that flourishes when forgiveness is our road and healing is the code for the growth that comes in cracks that attacks my certainty and changes me spontaneously.
Just to care for each other reaching to the life that teaches us innovation renovation of rage and the impulse to engage in a strange way to connect oddity.
Shifts sift us out of institutional toxicity into the detoxified city the roads that lead us home, into our mutual liberation where I spend my time bound up in the liberation that is yours and mine
Never work alone there is an urgent need to urgently see the emergent seeds that invite contribution before solution work the evolution of the values that help us play in the sandboxes and with the clay that we can use to mould a world out of ever present creativity honest authenticity and the courageous complexity that each of us is.
The parts in me are the parts that the system wants to see and the parts that my self wants free to tunnel beneath the very concept of me the subway that threads through time streams a current that is safe to power the source from which community flowers the energy of synergy the power of inherency and indignity and aboriginality.
Change and transformation has never been new the old comes through our ancient spaces innovation literacy is contained in the languages of humanity words that help us free our thinking take us to a place where we drink results as if they flow and grow from a resonating “I KNOW!”
We are here to quest and cross the fucking distance between hearts that crave to be a part of one another the health that helps us come free together.
World cafE: "Here Be Dragons" Charting The Unknown in Social Innovation
Here is a great place for the Harvest Team to step in and write an overview of this activity.
TEaches: Cynefin & 4-fold Practice
Here is a great place for the Harvest Team to step in and write an overview of this activity. A great overview of the tools covered. Also, we can include links to any reflections written in the blog as well as links to the resource page.
Check Out: Wrapping Up Day 1
Here is a great place for the Harvest Team to step in and write an overview of this activity.